How AI Projects Can Create a Competitive Edge in College Applications

Dr. Meng

Liberal Arts College vs. University Education

Kevin K

Former Harvard AO : What Extracurricular Activities We Want to See

Jason S

Digital SAT Preparation Strategy: Grammar and Reading

Li Zhao & Hongwei Zhang

Science Competitions: How to Plan, Train, and Win Awards

Dr. Meng

Behind the Scenes of the College Admissions: What Matters and What Doesn’t

John M

Navigating Summer Programs: Finding the Right Fit Beyond Fame

Demmy V

Navigating the College Transfer Process: A Comprehensive Guide

John M

Guide to High School Science Research

Dr. Xuan Luo

A Parent’s Guide to Writing Great College Application Essays

Kristie S

How Musical Talents Can Boost Elite College Applications

Longfei Li

How an Art Portfolio Can Boost Your Elite College Application

Jasonpaul McCarthy

How to Create a Balanced List of Colleges and Tips for Filling Out the Common App

John M

Applying to College as a STEM Major

Demmy V

Beyond the Classroom: Building a Standout Extracurricular Portfolio

Annabel C

Build Your Spike in College Application Through Academic Research 

Stephen Turban

Navigating the Undergraduate Business School Application 

Demmy V

Diagnostic Assessment of Real Student Cases

John M and Quenton K

Understanding Holistic Review in College Admissions

Ann B

An Overview of College Financial Aid and Athletic Recruiting


Everything About Music As a Part of College Application

Longfei Li

The Most Common Mistakes on College Essays And How to avoid them


How Ivy League Admission Committees Pick Students


College Admissions Timeline: A Roadmap for 11th-12th Grade


How to Stimulate Children’s Potential and Help Them Enter Top Schools

Frank L

Advice from Former Director of Parsons: How do the world’s top art schools select students?

Jasonpaul M

Finance & Economics Research Program info session

Ray Mathis

Positive Psychology Research Program Info Session


Parent Testimonials

Accompanying My Daughter on Her Path to Higher Education

Xie Lin

Parent Testimonial: Does Your Child Really Need a College Admissions Consultant?

Jenny Huang

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